What Seedlings Can You Start In February? [Planting Guide]

February is usually a dreary month, but it’s also a great month to get started on your garden (I have!). I’m sure you’re wondering “What seedlings can you start in February?,” and you might even think I’m a little bit crazy (I probably am).   February is a rather ambitious time of year to start

The post What Seedlings Can You Start In February? [Planting Guide] first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

What Seedlings Can You Start In February? [Planting Guide] was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

Coccidiosis in Chickens

Worried about coccidiosis in chickens? You’re not alone. This disease is one that leaves most chicken keepers quaking in their boots. If your birds are affected with symptoms like bloody chicken droppings and are showing a failure to thrive, they might be affected by coccidiosis. Similar to other kinds of external parasites, like lice and

The post Coccidiosis in Chickens first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

Coccidiosis in Chickens was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

Why is My Hen Crowing?

Why is my hen crowing? If this is a question you’ve asked yourself, then read on – you’re not alone! Most experienced chicken owners have had this experience – or at least one similar. You’re sitting in your living room, enjoying a cup of coffee while you listen to your hens cackle and chirp in

The post Why is My Hen Crowing? first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

Why is My Hen Crowing? was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

Top Toys for Chickens from Omlet

Not sure what to buy for your chickens to help them pass the time? You might want to consider investing in some toys for chickens from Omlet, one of the best places to buy chicken supplies. If you raise your chickens only for their egg or meat producing capabilities, you’re missing out. Scientists are just

The post Top Toys for Chickens from Omlet first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

Top Toys for Chickens from Omlet was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

How Cold is Too Cold for Chickens?

No matter how experienced you are in raising chickens, as the mercury begins to drop you might start second-guessing yourself and wondering, “how cold is too cold for chickens?” This is a concern raised by people who love raising chickens everywhere, but especially those who live in cold, unforgiving climates. Luckily, chickens are pretty hardy

The post How Cold is Too Cold for Chickens? first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

How Cold is Too Cold for Chickens? was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

How to Fix a Broken Beak

A broken beak is a problem that no chicken owner wants to deal with – but unfortunately, knowing how to fix a broken beak is a skill that all chicken keepers should have in their back pockets. Chickens are similar to humans in that their beaks grow a lot like fingernails. These birds can “file

The post How to Fix a Broken Beak first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

How to Fix a Broken Beak was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

How To Keep A Chicken Coop Warm In Winter

Not sure how to keep a chicken coop warm in winter? Then pull up a chair, because we got quite a few (battle-tested) ideas for you today.   (Want to know how to keep your flock’s water from freezing? Get my genius hacks here).     While the winters never get too brutal here in

The post How To Keep A Chicken Coop Warm In Winter first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

How To Keep A Chicken Coop Warm In Winter was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

16 Duck Breeds For Colorful Eggs!

Sometimes, I lay awake at night and think about how great my flock would look with all kinds of different duck breeds.   (Well, maybe not really all night. I do like to sleep.)   Ducks are lovely creatures that make great pets – and they lay eggs! Lots of eggs (sometimes, more consistently than

The post 16 Duck Breeds For Colorful Eggs! first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

16 Duck Breeds For Colorful Eggs! was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

What Can You Grow In January? Get Crackin’!

All right, y’all. We made it past the holidays, and now we’re into big gardening time. So, you’re probably wondering, “What can you grow in January?”         January is kind of a dull month. All the major holidays are over, we’ve all got sticker shock at how much we spent in the

The post What Can You Grow In January? Get Crackin’! first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

What Can You Grow In January? Get Crackin’! was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs

Best Hatcheries to Buy Sultan Chickens

A good sultan is hard to find. Since the 1550s, the title has belonged to Muslin sovereigns, and the tradition has carried through the centuries into the present day. Though they have largely become individuals of lore, there still exist certain areas in the Middle East and Africa where the honorific endures. The news and

The post Best Hatcheries to Buy Sultan Chickens first appeared on Pampered Chicken Mama: Raising Backyard Chickens.

Best Hatcheries to Buy Sultan Chickens was originally posted by Favorite Chicken Blogs